A familiar sight.....
Were any of these your lockers?
High Five!
C'mon, up on your feet.  Where's that school spirit?  

Give me an "R"
"A Wing, or is it B?"
Track is now paved with hi-tech composite surface

Tommy Holt
Class of '67
LaTrelle Lee
Class of '67
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New Officers for the Reunion Committee 
November 9, 2024

The Reunion Committee has a new slate of officers, except for Nancy Pace Ford who remains the Treasurer. Pat Knezevich became Chairman of the Reunion Committee on October 21, 2024 upon the resignation of Mary Ann Meares Crumley. Charlene Barrow Catlett resigned as Secretary on November 7, 2024. Pat called a special meeting, which was held on Saturday, November 9, 2024, to elect a new Vice Chairman and Secretary. Vanesa Perry Bowden was elected Vice Chairman and Jeri Brooker Friend was elected Secretary.

The Committee will have a break over the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. A regular meeting will be scheduled after the first of the year. First order of business will be to completely revise the Bylaws. After that, the fun will begin. The Committee will begin planning our 60th Reunion to be held in the spring of 2027. Lesson learned: Never plan an event during hurricane or college football season. We know this will probably be our last BIG hooray and the committee wants to make it as memorable as possible.

New committee members are welcome. Planning a reunion is a lot of work but also a whole lot of fun. Those who worked on the Denim and Diamonds 75th Birthday Dinner Dance can share with you just how gratifying it was to be a part of such a successful event. Please let Pat, Vanesa, Jeri or Nancy know if you would like to join the committee.

Pat Knezevich, Chairman

Vanesa Perry Bowden, Vice Chairman

Jeri Brooker Friend, Secretary

Nancy Pace Ford, Treasurer